Hello! I am Caitlin. Welcome & THANK YOU for stopping by my Artist's Page :)
Below you will find services I offer, links to my socials, project previews, & art samples.
Terrasongs means, the Earth is singing, which encapsulates my projects holistically.
This is also the current landing pad for the Terrasongs indie music label & collective TBA. ♪
To collaborate, please email me.
Please view Ratboy Genius art on my NEW Fanart Page!

Hello!! I am Caitlin or Caith (s/he/they pronouns).
31 yrs old. ♊🌞♓🌝♏⬆️I began as a writer in my youth & won a couple awards for my poetry.My education is a Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Sociology, minor in Psychology.By day, I am a caregiver & political activist.
By night, I am jammin' on bass guitar or playing tarot cards.As an artist, I dabble in many mediums, including acrylics, gouache, polymer clay, digital art, & doodling.I am finding recent joy in fiber arts....Knitting is my rose, crochet is my thorn at the moment!!I paint tabletop game minis as a professional service (please inquire via my Contact page, found below).I volunteer at The Buttonwood Tree offering art classes.I am a public, street & wall art enthusiast. My dream one day is to paint a mural that promotes free expression & neurodiversity.
artist statement
I specialize in collage & mixed-media art. My approach can be described as loose, free, unplanned, & abstract. I am obsessed with process, utlizing unpredictability to convey conflict & emotions. This approach unifies my writing & visual languages into one picture. I use these to "speak" my mind & "put together" messages from the Universe. More often than not, I use this "voice" to lift up persons who think & communicate in different ways. This is based in mimesis theory & in alignment with neurodiversity & liberation-based movements I strive to live by.Empowering people to use music & art as an alternative form or function of communication is my life's dream. I believe that art helps communities heal & individuals find refuge in society. Art intrinsically & innately bridges barriers in understanding & promotes intersectionality.My collective, action-based & gestural approach to art is part meditation, part education, & part advocacy. I have taken great joy in working with disabled, differently-abled, & drug-addicted populations from all different cultures. Some people feel a lot of big emotions & need somewhere to share them. I believe art should be healing, accessible, PUBLIC, conversational, challenging, & liberation-based. I hope to fill a socio-economic gap where people struggle every day, between commercial/capitalist/corporate interests & common people.
NOW RETIRED. THANK YOU TO RICHARD KAMINS, WMRD & ALL WHO TUNED IN! ♥ - CDo you like getting "hip" to new & old music alike?
Tune into my radio show THE SOUND every Sunday from 12-1PM.On CT Local wavelengths: WMRD-AM 1150/WLIS-AM 1420.
Available live or on-demand via Mixcloud or wliswmrd.net!
Rainbeau clay & Craft co.
Rainbeau Clay & Craft Co. is my polymer clay project. Combining aesthetic design & disability advocacy, Rainbeau promotes creative expression & self-promotion through shaping clay.

I hope to share creating clay figures as a natural anxiety-reliever & refuge from "adulting."Through my own personal experiences with neurodivergence, I hope to empower differently-abled individuals to explore clay in a disability-friendly context.By warming & softening the clay in your hands for people who need muscular/mobility or motor supports, or by demonstrating & modeling in lieu of expressive language, you can join me in bringing abled & disabled people together through art!
For commission requests, please fill out the Google Form.For general inquiries please email me.My book Chrysalis is available for purchase on Amazon. Thank you for your support!!💖
Site contents, poetry & art by caitlin duffy © 2017-2024 | All rights reserved.
Painting Classes

Are you a tea enjoyer?
Do you love to paint?
Want an unforgettable friend, family, or date night experience?You are in luck!I offer Paint & Steep Art classes for children, families & couples at
The Buttonwood Tree in Middletown, CT.
(Check them out online at buttonwood.org or x.com/buttonwoodtree.)Classes take place every 1st Sunday of the month starting July 7, 2024.
Tickets cost $20, with tea & painting materials provided.Book by emailing Cait at [email protected].
Neurographic art classes
I offer Neurographic Art classes for children & families at
The Buttonwood Tree in Middletown, CT.You can find the Buttonwood online at buttonwood.org, or on X @buttonwoodtree.

Neurographic Art is a meditative drawing process created by Prof. Pavel Piskarev in 2015. It is done by creating one continuous looping line which is then "softened" by rounding out the edges & filling white spaces with color.Other methods can be used as well, such as tracing, patterns, writing, or even collage!This is a fun way to exist in the present moment & tap into a new way of thinking about & creating art! Maybe you haven't done art in a long time, or want to see what you are capable of creating. Let's learn more about ourselves & each other together.
Classes will take place at The Buttonwood Tree. To book, please write me at [email protected].
Cost is $20 per child, or per child with a parent or guardian supervising.My teaching style targets young people, but certainly
ALL AGES & EXPERIENCE LEVELS ARE WELCOME!I encourage bringing your own art supplies, but by reserving in advance you will guarantee that markers & paper will be provided for you when you arrive!By practicing mindfulness in an accessible, informal class environment guided by my soothing attention, you & your family can share precious quality time together. It can possiblty comfort difficult emotions & enhance focus holistically.Neurographic art can also be done collaboratively. Maybe you can take turns drawing a line, then a pattern or color. Or, you can both run wild & draw at the same time!
The possibilities are endless & freeing.

Collaging Classes

I also offer collaging classes at the Buttonwood Tree in MIddletown, CT.
You can find them online at buttonwood.org, or on X @buttonwoodtree.I will teach the basics of my collage process, which includes picture selection, color coordinating, & pattern seeking. From there, you will harness creative control & make collages more fun than ever before!Classes will take place at The Buttonwood Tree. To book, please write me at [email protected].
Cost is $20 per child, or per child with a parent or guardian supervising.My teaching style targets young people, but certainly
ALL AGES & EXPERIENCE LEVELS ARE WELCOME!Paper & glue will be provided, but I encourage you to bring your own materials! I reccommend magazines, old books, photographs, postcards, craft paper, & printouts as collage materials.You can use other materials as well, such as stickers or even fabric!